The PCC is the governing body of the Parish, and they are responsible for looking after the running and the finances of the church.
The PCC is made up of Clergy, Church Wardens, Ex Officio Lay people and Elected Lay people.
The PCC meet whener nessisary to discuss the running o the Churches. Usually every 2 months.
Anyone can apply to join the PCC at the yearly APCM as long as they are a member of the electoral roll.

To contact the PCC, please contact the secretary on:
Our PCC members are:

Clergy:Revd Canon Phil Groves
Revd Nigel Featherston
Church Wardens:Sue Birrell
Raymond Medhurst
Rodger Withers
PCC Secretary:Stephan Medhurst
Deanery Synod:Jenny Pickup
Elected PCC Members:Richard Smith
Ian Cairns
Rosemary Jackson
Claire Davey
Terry Cooper