Who’s Who

Dr. Canon Phil Groves

Vicar for the Parish / Associate Rector of the Benefice

I am the vicar in the Parish of Stone, Dinton and Hartwell and I would like to invite you to our churches! I am resident in stone, and walk my dog daily around the village, were you can stop and have a chat with me.

Rev. Nigel Featherston


Nigel was ordained in 2017 and priested in 2018 having previously been a licensed lay minister in the benefice. Now retired from secular work, Nigel is an Associate Minister with a focus on Dinton where he lives, Stone and Cuddington.

Richard Smith


I am a Licenced Lay Minister for the Parish, having retired from the NHS recently. I look forward to inviting you to our services.

Raymond Medhurst

Church Warden – SJB, Stone

Hello, I am a Church Warden at St John the Baptist, Stone. As a resident of Aylesbury, I have been worshipping here with my family for over 15 years. Our Church holds a variety of services. My passion is Matins and Evensong which I regularly lead, And I would love to welcome you to any of our services.

Sue Birrell

Church Warden – SJB, Stone

I love our church and am passionate about keeping it working for the regular churchgoers and the wider community. My hobby is crafting and I share those skills with others by managing the creation of banners, notices and things to use in the church. I am a good organiser and have enjoyed putting this in practice to improve the fabric of our lovely church. I’d love to show you round and welcome you to our church

Rosemary Jackson

Church Warden – SPP, Dinton

My name is Rosemary Jackson and I am the Churchwarden of Dinton Church.   I have lived in New Road Dinton for 25 years and people generally know me because of Open Gardens, Flush Fund and the Dinton Fete.   This photo is of me birdwatching which is my favourite hobby.   My husband David and myself have been birding all around the world and do a lot of volunteer birding surveys for RSPB. 

Hope to meet you soon.

Clare Davey

Safeguarding Officer

Hi, I’m Clare and i am the Safeguarding Office for the Parish of Stone, Dinton and Hartwell. if you have any issues please contact me on safeguarding@stonedintonhartwell.com

Rev. Cassa Messervy is the Rector of the Wychert Vale Benefice with a wide Ministerial team.

You can find out more about the team Here.