Stone, Dinton and Hartwell
Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Events
Events In The Month: December 2017

Dear {name},

We hope you are well,

Please find below upcoming events at Stone, Dinton and Hartwell.


December, 2017

Parish Posada 
Parish Wide and Beyond.
Join in with our 2017 Posada as we travel around our Parish and the Wider Benefice.
Daily Updates are posted on the website so you can track our progress.

December 9, 2017

Park Life Cafe
at Stone Recreational Ground
December 9, 2017 @ 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
We will have our Christmas Gift Stall at this Park Life Cafe this Month.

 We would like to take this oppertunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Kind Regards,

The Ministry Team

Stone, Dinton and Hartwell.


Please note: We endeavour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur.

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