Stone Dinton and Hartwell General Communications
Wychert Vale Benefice Vacancy
Dear {name},
As your representative on the interviewing panel for the above vacancy, I have been asked to get your views in light of the current COVID situation.
The interviews were postponed at the start of the pandemic and during the time that has passed there have been many changes in the way that we worship.
I would like to know if this situation has made you want to keep some things that have been done to enhance our worship or develop other ways of worship not just here at Stone but within the Benefice too.
If you would, please take a little time to let me have your thoughts so I can then attend an online meeting with our views firmly at the front of my mind and make our wishes known.
I will need the replies by the end of June so please get them back to me as soon as possible.
Many thanks,
Sue Birrell
Please send replies to the below question to one of the following:
Email: Tel: 01296 338163 Post: 7, Jakeman Way, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 8FT Online Form:
Q1. What have you learnt during this pandemic about:
a) Needs of your own church life. e.g social aspect, access to the word?
b) How the church has managed and what has worked/not worked so well?
Q2. What do you think God is inviting us as a Benefice to do going forward?