Upcoming Events

Dear {name},
Please find below our upcoming events.


Our APCM is this evening starting at 20:00 and will now be held on Zoom instead of at St Peter and St Paul, Dinton. The Zoom call will be open from 19:30

You are invited to join us via zoom using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87484767320?pwd=OHJQRExrRnBFbTgzMlEyS2REQjVzUT09

You can also use one of the following freephone numbers: +44 (0)203 481 5237, +44 (0)203 481 5240, +44 (0)203 901 7895.

The meeting ID is: 874 8476 7320 and passcode: 010721

All the relevant documents are available on our website.
A copy of the APCM Booklet is also available in the porches at both SPP and SJB.

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