Easter Eggs
They are the only Easter Eggs with the Easter Story in the box, as each box includes the Easter Story in the shape of a cross, as well as yummy bars (in the Original egg - £3.99) dark choccy squares (in the Dark egg - £5.50) and orange choc bar with olive wood holding cross keyring (in the Special Edition egg- £9.99).
All can be ordered from Sue Spinks 748369 royandsue1@btinternet.com
Help Required
WANTED!!! We need volunteers to serve the refreshments after the service on the first Sunday of the month at Stone Church. You will only need to supply milk. Please sign up on the list on the coffee table!
A big "thank you" to Mary John who has organised the first Sunday refreshments for the past few years.
Aylesbury Deanery Lent Meetings
You are invited to Lent gatherings throughout the Aylesbury Deanery.
Tuesday 23rd @19:00 - Cuddington. Speaker: Chris Stoddard Theme: Why Are We Here?
Tuesday 1st @19:00 - Holy Trinity, Walton Street. Speaker: TBC Theme: What Do We Want The Church To Be?
Wychert Vale
We are rapidly approaching the new benefice of Wychert Vale which will be inaugurated by Bishop Alan at an Evening Service on Palm Sunday, 20th March, at Cuddington Church at 6.30pm. We need to know numbers, so if you would like to attend, please sign the list in the porch or online at www.stonedintonhartwell.com/20-3-2016/