Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Weekly Newssheet |
Week Commencing: 28/2/2016 |
Dear {name},
This Sunday |
Sunday 28th - Lent 3
10.00am Holy Communion, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
This Week |
Tues 1st |
Aylesbury Deanery Lent Meetings, Holy Trinity, Walton Street. Choir Practice, 29b Eythrope Road
Wed 2nd |
11.30am 7.30pm |
Funeral, St John the Baptist, Stone Dinton Organ Committee, 29b Eythrope Road
Fri 4th |
2.00pm |
Women's World Day of Prayer, Stone Methodist Chapel
Sat 5th |
10.30am |
Choir Practice, 29b Eythrope Road
Wychert Vale Benefice
The new Wychert Vale Benefice will be inaugurated by the Bishop of Buckingham on Sunday March 20th (Palm Sunday) at 6:30pm at Cuddington Church. If you would like to attend, please sign the list in Church on Sunday.
Womans World Day of Prayer
Womans World Day of Prayer Service at Stone Methodist Chapel at 2:00pm on Friday 4th March.
This years service has been planned by the women of Cuba on the theme of Receive Children, Recieve Me and as usual, everyone is invited.
Refreshments after.
Thank You to the Choir
A note of thanks to the Choir Members who came along to Pat Card's 90th birthday party on Tuesday last week, especially Chris Ashbridge who accompanied the sing song! Pat throughly enjoyed her afternoon and thanks everyone for the lovely flowery gift and all her cards
Easter Eggs
They are the only Easter Eggs with the Easter Story in the box, as each box includes the Easter Story in the shape of a cross, as well as yummy bars (in the Original egg - £3.99) dark choccy squares (in the Dark egg - £5.50) and orange choc bar with olive wood holding cross keyring (in the Special Edition egg- £9.99).
All can be ordered from Sue Spinks 748369
Bible Puppet Weekend
On the 5th and 6th March, Coverdale Puppets are bring the Gospel alive at Aylesbury Methodist Church with a workshop starting at 2pm.
All are welcome, young and young at heart. No charge although, if you stay for tea, please bring something for the table.
For more
Aylesbury Deanery Lent Meetings
Tuesday 1st @19:00 - Holy Trinity, Walton Street. Speaker: TBC Theme: What Do We Want The Church To Be?
Next Sunday |
Sunday 6th March - Mothers Day
10.00am Communion, St John the Baptist, Stone
Leader: Margot Hodson, Rector of the Wychert Vale Benefice
We hope you have a great week. |
Kind Regards, Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Ministry Team
We endevour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur. |
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