Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Weekly Newssheet |
Week Commencing: 13/3/2016 |
Dear {name},
This Sunday |
Sunday 13th March - Passion Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
Leader: Rev. Jonathan Hawkins amd David Pickup
10.00am Family Service, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
Leader: Eryl Morgan
This Week |
Mon 14th |
7.30pm |
Merger Group Meeting, Cuddington Church
Tues 15th |
2.30pm |
Knit & Natter, Valma's
7.30pm |
Choir Practice, 29b Eythrope Road
Thurs 17th |
7.30pm |
PCC Meeting, Stone Methodist Chapel
Sat 19th |
Choir Practice, Stone Church
Youth Music Festival, St Mary's, Haddenham
Wychert Vale
Although, we are now part of the new Wychert Vale Benefice, the benefice will be inaugurated by the Bishop of Buckingham on Sunday March 20th (Palm Sunday) at 6.30pm at Cuddington Church. If you would like to attend, please sign the list in church on Sunday.
The other churches within the benefice are:
St Mary the Virgin, Haddenham
St Nicholas, Cuddington
St Michael and All Angels, Aston Sandford
St Nicholas, Kingsey
Fairtrade Easter Eggs
They are the only Easter Eggs with the Easter story in the box, as each box includes the Easter story in the shape of a cross, as well as yummy bars (in the Original egg - £3.99) dark choccy squares (in the Dark egg - £5.50) and orange choc bar with olive wood holding cross keyring (in the Special Edition egg - £9.99).
All can be ordered from Sue Spinks. 748369
This year the APCM (the churches annual general meeting) is on Monday 25th April 7.30pm @ Ss Peter and Paul Dinton.
At this meeting there will be one vacancy of Churchwarden to fill.
Please pray that this important position is filled. If you would like further information on what is involved please speak to one of the current wardens.
Stone Facilities Fundraising
We are launching a scheme for fundraising for the Stone Church Facilities Fund. If you (or someone you know) shops online, we invite you to raise donations for us for FREE. Most major shops partake within the scheme (Tesco, Waitrose, Asda, EBay, Amazon and many more) and they make a donation to us when you shop online with them. To find out more and to register, please visit: and select Stone Facilities Fund.
No Easter Early Morning Service
On Easter Day, March 27th, there will be NO service at 8.30am.
Service of Family Communion - 10 .00 am at SPP, Dinton.
Youth Music Festival
Saturday 19th March 2016 in St Mary's Haddenham from 2.30 – 4.00. Young people from our local community will be performing in the church for an afternoon concert, compared by Daniel Mullin. Children from St Mary's Infant School will be singing. All are very welcome to come and appreciate and encourage our young musicians. Teas and homemade cakes to follow. Tickets £10/ family of 4, £5/ adult and £1/ child, available from Jenny Hardy 01844 291607, Tricia Stradling 01844 291607 or on the door.
Proceeds to Friends of St Mary's.
Coffee Cup Collections
This month the Coffee Cup Collection will be for the Aylesbury Street Angels.
A Message From Peter and Angela
We would like to "Thank you for the lovely cards" and our phone line has now been connected.
The number is: 01235 411315
Address: 8 Broadmarsh Close, Grove, Wantage OX12 0NH.
Next Sunday |
Sunday 20th
10.00am Family Communion, St John the Baptist, Stone
Leader: Rev. Margot Hodson and Nigel Featherston
3.00pm Living Stones, Stone Methodist Chapel
6.30pm Wychert Vale Inaugaration Service, Cuddington Church
Leader: Bishop of Buckingham
We hope you have a great week. |
Kind Regards, Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Ministry Team
We endevour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur. |
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