Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Services |
Services For The Month: March |
Dear {name},
We hope you are well,
Please find below the upcoming services at Stone, Dinton and Hartwell.
Sunday 6th
Mothering Sunday All Age Holy Communion Stone 10:00
Sunday 6th
Lent 4 Evensong Stone 18:00
Sunday 13th
Passion Sunday Holy Communion Dinton 8:30
Sunday 13th
Passion Sunday Family Service Dinton 10:00
Sunday 20th
Palm Sunday Family Communion Stone 10:00
Sunday 20th
The Wychert Vale Benefice Inauguration St Nicholas, Cuddington 18:30
Thursday 24th
Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Stone 19:30
Friday 25th
Walk of Witness Stone School 10:00
Friday 25th
Good Friday Easter Garden Service Stone 10:30
Friday 25th
An Hour At The Cross Dinton 14:00
Sunday 27th
Easter Day Family Service Dinton 10:00
Living Stones
Sunday 20th, 15:00 at Stone Methodist Chapel
Kind Regards,
The Ministry Team
Stone, Dinton and Hartwell.
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https://stonedintonhartwell.com/ - 4 March 2016