Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Weekly Newssheet |
Week Commencing: 6/3/2016 |
Dear {name},
This Sunday |
Sunday 6th March - Mothering Sunday
10.00am Holy Communion, St John the Baptist, Stone
Bible Readings: Colossians 3. 12-17; Luke 2. 33-35
Leader: Rev. Margot Hodson, Wychert Vale Rector
6.00pm Evensong, St John the Baptist, Stone
Leader: Avril Clark
This Week |
Tues 8th |
7.30pm |
Aylesbury Deanery Lent Gatherings. Church of the Holy Spirit,Bedgrove Choir Practice, 29b Eythrope Road
Wed 9th |
10.30am |
Lent Bible Discussions at Valma's house and led by Avril
Sat 11th |
10.30am |
Choir Practice, 29b Eythrope Road
Women's World Day of Prayer
Thank you to everyone who came along to the WWDP Service on Friday afternoon, especially those who took part and to Chris who played for us. We were sad that Avril, who was to have led the Service, was unwell and not able to be with us, but we all signed a card for her, which we hope will help to cheer her up.
The offering taken at the Service amounted to £95.50 plus an additional £15.00 in respect of the Gift Aided donations. Offerings support the work of Women's World Day of Prayer and many projects run by Christian charities world wide. There are some spare copies of the Order of Service in Church - please take one if you were unable to come. To learn more about WWDP, visit their website: |
Sunday 20th Living Stones
The next session of LIVING STONES will be on 20th March at the Methodist chapel. Please note that due to the Wychert Vale Benefice service at Cuddington that evening the LIVING STONES session will start at 3.00pm instead of 4.00pm on this occasion only. Living Stones is open to ALL ages.
What do we do ? we have fun with crafts and other activities (even the adults !) and conclude with a short session of informal worship and a bring and share tea.
Come and join us, you will be most welcome.
A New Sunday Afternoon Service
Cuddington is starting an all-age afternoon service on the first and third sundays of the month in Cuddington church at 4pm to support families who struggle with Sunday mornings due to many and varied sporting commitments.
The service is open to anyone of any age from any church who would find this to be a help.
We kick-off on Sunday 6th March at 4pm with a mothering Sunday Family Special.
Wychert Vale Benefice
The new Wychert Vale Benefice will be inaugurated by the Bishop of Buckingham on Sunday March 20th (Palm Sunday) at 6:30pm at Cuddington Church.
If you would like to attend, please sign the list in Church on Sunday.
Easter Eggs
They are the only Easter Eggs with the Easter Story in the box, as each box includes the Easter Story in the shape of a cross, as well as yummy bars (in the Original egg - £3.99) dark choccy squares (in the Dark egg - £5.50) and orange choc bar with olive wood holding cross keyring (in the Special Edition egg- £9.99).
All can be ordered from Sue Spinks 748369
Help Required
WANTED!!! We need volunteers to serve the refreshments after the service on the first Sunday of the month at Stone Church. You will only need to supply milk. Please sign up on the list on the coffee table!
A big "thank you" to Mary John who has organised the first Sunday refreshments for the past few years.
Stone Facilities Fund
We are launching a new scheme for raising funds for the Stone Facilities Fund. If you shop online, we would ask you to have a look at the below scheme and support us.
For more information on how to raise money for FREE, please visit:
Coffee Cup Collections
The coffee cup collections for January/February for ' The Children's Society' amounted to £103.00.
March/April will be for 'Aylesbury Street Angels'
Next Sunday |
Sunday 13th
8.30am BCP Holy Communion, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
Leader: Rev. Jonathan Hawkins and David Pickup
10.00am Family Service, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
We hope you have a great week. |
Kind Regards, Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Ministry Team
We endevour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur. |
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