Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Weekly Newssheet |
Week Commencing: 24/04/2016 |
Dear {name},
This Sunday |
Sunday 24th - Easter 5
10.00am Holy Communion, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
Bible Readings: Acts 11. 1-18; John 13. 31- 35
4.00-5.30pm Living Stones, Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road
This Week |
Mon 25th |
19:30 |
APCM, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
The APCM is this Monday (25th) at Ss Peter and Paul, starting at 19:30.
All Nomination forms much be recieved by 17:00 on Sunday (24th). Form can be downloaded here:
Living Stones
Our April session is this Sunday (24th) at the Methodist Chapel in Eythrope Road 4.00-5.30pm. Activities, games and informal worship for all ages followed by a bring and share tea..
Everyone is welcome. Jenny Pickup 748170.
Great Wave of Prayer
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called for a ‘great wave of prayer’ across the country in the week leading up to Pentecost Sunday. You can read more about this here:
We will be participating in this initiative in the following ways:
· There will be an hour of prayer in Stone Church on Monday 9th May at 7.30pm
· Stone Church will be open each evening 6.30 – 7.30pm from Monday 9th May for personal prayer. Prayer stations based on the Lords Prayer will be set out around the church to support this.
Flower Festival
Flower Festival & Art Display on the theme of The Queen Celebrating Her Majesty's 90 Years.
St John the Baptist, June 4th & 5th As part of the Festival we will be running a competition BEST DISPLAY IN A SHOE This will be open to Children and Adults. Floral arrangements in a shoe,trainer, boot ,flipflop….. any type of foot wear. the arrangement must contain the colours Red, White & Blue within the arrangement. Further details of this event will be published over the coming weeks |
Next Sunday |
Sunday 1st
10.00am All Age Holy Communion, St John The Baptist, Stone
6.00pm Evensong, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
We hope you have a great week. |
Kind Regards, Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Ministry Team
We endeavour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur. |
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