Dear {name},
We hope you are well,
We appologise for the delay in sending this update, Please note there is an Evensong service today at St John the Baptist, Stone at 18:00
Please find below the upcoming services at Stone, Dinton and Hartwell.
Sunday 1st
Rogation All Age Holy Communion SJB, Stone 10:00
Sunday 1st
Rogation Evensong SJB, Stone 18:00
Thursday 5th
Ascension Day Holy Communion SPP, Dinton 19:30
Sunday 8th
Easter 7 BCP Holy Communion SPP, Dinton 8:30
Sunday 8th
Easter 7 Family Service SPP, Dinton 10:00
Sunday 15th
Pentecost Matins SJB, Stone 10:00
Sunday 22nd
Trinity All Age Holy Communion SPP, Dinton 10:00
Sunday 29th
Trinity 1 Holy Communion SMC 10:00
Our service on the 8th is based on Christian Aid

Living Stones
On Sunday 15th, 16:00 at SMC
SJB, Stone - St John the Baptist, Stone SPP, Dinton - St Peter and St Paul, Dinton SMC - Stone Methodist Chapel
Kind Regards,
The Ministry Team
Stone, Dinton and Hartwell.