Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Weekly Newssheet |
Week Commencing: 8/5/2016 |
Dear {name},
This Sunday |
Sunday 8th - Easter 7
8.30am BCP Holy Communion, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
10.00am Family Service, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
Bible Readings: Luke 10. 25-37
This Week |
Mon 9th |
18:30 19:30 |
A Great Wave of Prayer, Church Open A Great Wave of Prayer, An Hour of Prayer
Tues 10th |
18:30 19:30 |
A Great Wave of Prayer, Church Open Choir Practice, 29B Eythrope Road
Wed 11th |
18:30 19:30
A Great Wave of Prayer, Church Open Dinton Church Organ Fund Committee 29b,Eythrope Rd
Thurs 12th |
A Great Wave of Prayer, Church Open
Fri 13th |
18:30 |
A Great Wave of Prayer, Church Open
Sat 14th |
10:00 10:30 12:00 18:30 |
Plant Sale, Mayerin, Stone Choir Practice, 29B Eythrope Road Spud Lunch, Stone Methodist Chapel A Great Wave of Prayer, Church Open
Coffee Cup Collections
Coffee cup collections for March/April for 'Aylesbury street Angels' amounted to £102. May/June will be for 'Helen Douglas house
Stone, Bishopstone and Hartwell Fete
The fete is fast approaching so we need,
- Cakes and homemade biscuits to sell
- Helpers on a church bric-a-brac stall
- People to make tea
- Programme sellers
- Help to set up from 12 noon
- Car parking
Please let me know if you can help
David Pickup
The Fete will be on Monday 30th.
Great Wave of Prayer
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called for a ‘great wave of prayer’ across the country in the week leading up to Pentecost Sunday. We will be participating in this initiative in the following ways:
- There will be an hour of prayer in Stone Church on Monday 9th May at 7.30pm
- Stone Church will be open each evening 6.30 – 7.30pm from Monday 9th May for personal prayer. Prayer stations based on the Lords Prayer will be set out around the church to support this.
Flower Festival
Flower Festival & Art Display on the theme of The Queen, Celebrating Her Majesty's 90 Years. At St John the Baptist. June 4th & 5th
As part of the Festival we will be running a competition
This will be open to Children and Adults. Floral arrangements in a shoe, trainer, boot ,flipflop…..any type of foot wear. The colours Red, White & Blue must be within the arrangement.
Anyone wishing to help decorate / create a display, or to help get the church ready, please contact Joan Shurvell.
Donations towards the cost of buying the flowers can also be made to Joan. Decorating the church will start on Thursday 2nd June.
Christian Aid Week
SUNDAY 8th May
10 a.m. UNITED FAMILY SERVICE Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Dinton
10 – 1 PLANT SALE Mayerin, Churchway, Stone
12 – 2 SPUD LUNCH Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road
May 10 –12 COFFEE MORNING + Cakes & Bring & Buy Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road
SATURDAY 21st May 12.30 – 2 HOT POT LUNCH with Roy & Sue Spinks @ Clowesbourne, Upton |
PLUS HOUSE TO HOUSE COLLECTIONS by volunteers – will YOU help – please? Contact me: Sue Spinks 748369 |
Next Sunday |
Sunday 15
10.00am Matins, St John the Baptist, Stone
Bible Readings: Ephesians 2. 1-10; John 3. 1-5
4.00pm Living Stones, Stone Methodist Chapel
We hope you have a great week. |
Kind Regards, Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Ministry Team
We endeavour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur. |
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