Stone, Dinton and Hartwell |
Weekly Newssheet |
Week Commencing: 24th July 2016 |
Dear {name},
This Sunday |
Sunday 24th - Trinity 9
10.00am Holy Communion , St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
This Week |
Tues 26th |
7.30pm |
Choir Practice, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
Wed 27th |
7.30pm |
Licensing Service for the Rev. Canon Dr. Phil Groves, St Peter and St Paul, Dinton
A Prayer to Put On the Full Armor of God
Lord God, I praise and worship You for who You are, what You
have done for me in Christ Jesus, and for all that I have in Christ. By faith, I put on the belt of truth and choose to believe and stand in the truth of Your Word. Help me to completely live Your Word today …. I put on the breastplate of righteousness by claiming my right standing with You through the blood of Jesus Christ. I reject all lies from the evil one. Help me to live a righteous life, consistent with the righteousness I have in You …. I put on the shoes of the Gospel of peace. Open doors for me to share Jesus with others. Give me compassion and boldness for lost people …. I take up the shield of faith by trusting in You and Your Word in all that I do today. Help me to respond to any attacks with the truth of Your Word … I put on the helmet of salvation by filling my thoughts with the truths of all I have as a child of God. Help me to take every thought captive and make it obey Christ …. I take up the sword of the Spirit. Throughout this day, bring to my mind any Scriptures I need for spiritual battle … Fill me with Your Holy Spirit in order to believe, feel, and act as You would have me. Thank you that I can stand firm in the victory Christ has won for me. Amen |
Home Grown Stone
Home Grown Stone is fast approching, if you would like to take part this year, please contact Raymond Medhurst,
Next Sunday |
Sunday 31st
11.00am Holy Communion , Stone Methodist Chapel
We hope you have a great week. |
Kind Regards, Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Ministry Team
We endeavour to make all details correct at time of publishing, although last minute changes and mistakes may occur. |
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